OB2500P is a high performance offline PSR power switch for low power AC/DC charger and adapter applications. It operates in primary-side sensing and regulation. Consequently, opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. Proprietary Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) control is integrated as shown in the figure below. In CC control, the current and output power setting can be adjusted externally by the sense resistor Rs at CS pin. In CV control, multi-mode operations are utilized to achieve high performance and high efficiency. In addition, good load regulation is achieved by the built-in cable drop compensation. Device operates in PFM in CC mode at large load condition and it operates in PWM with frequency reduction at light/medium load. The chip consumes very low operation current. It achieves less than 75mW standby power to meet strict standby power standard. OB2500P offers comprehensive protection coverage with auto-recovery feature including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting, VDD over voltage protection, feedback loop open protection, short circuit protection, built-in leading edge blanking, VDD under voltage lockout (UVLO), OTP etc. OB2500P is offered in SOP7 packages. OB2500P是一款高性能离线PSR电源开关,适用于低功率AC / DC充电器和适配器应用。它在初级端感测和调节中运行。因此,可以省去光耦和TL431。如下图所示,集成了专有的恒定电压(CV)和恒定电流(CC)控制。 在CC控制中,可以通过CS引脚上的检测电阻Rs在外部调整电流和输出功率设置。在CV控制中,利用多模式操作来实现高性能和高效率。此外,内置的电缆压降补偿可实现良好的负载调节。器件在大负载条件下以CC模式在PFM下运行,并且在频率下以PWM运行 在轻/中载时降低。该芯片消耗非常低的工作电流。它的待机功率低于75mW,可以满足严格的待机功率标准。 OB2500P具有自动恢复功能,可提供全面的保护范围,包括逐周期电流限制,VDD过压保护,反馈环路开路保护,短路保护,内置*消隐,VDD欠压锁定(UVLO),OTP等。 OB2500P采用SOP7封装。 OB2500POP 自动恢复 普通 100KHz(Max) DCM/PFM PSR(内置MOS) 12W以内 75mW SOP-8 配同步整流** 深圳市丰宝腾科技有限公司(Fung Proton Technology)始创于2008年,注册于深圳特区。丰宝腾科技运营中心设半导体事业部和电子方案研发事业部;目标成为客户**较具价值的半导体器件代理商与服务供应商。 半导体事业部以代理销售电源管理IC(LDO、DC/DC、锂电管理、AC/DC等)、二三管、高低压MOS管、CooLMOS及保险丝为主,现拥有昂宝电子(on-bright)、、芯脉科技(chipmost)、南京微盟(Microne)、聚洵半导体(Gainsil);闽台强茂(Panjit)、 广东钜兴(Trr-jx);无锡新洁能(Ncepower)、深爱半导体(Sisemi)等产品的代理权。丰宝腾科技致力于为客户提供完整的电子解决方案和产品配套服务。